Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Best Ever Beer Steamed Burgers

These burgers are simply awesome & you don't even have to fire up the grill. I live in FL so my grill is never covered in snow & I will still use this process more often when making burgers. The secret is steaming them in beer for the last few minutes of cooking time. Give these a try & if there is one topping you don't like, no big deal, just substitute! I'll be making mushroom Swiss burgers next time!!

3 tblsp vegetable oil
1 medium onion, sliced (about 1 cup)
1 cup fresh mushrooms
Salt & pepper
1 4-oz can sliced, peeled green chiles, drained
1/3 cup pitted, brine-cured olives such as kalamata, sliced
1 1/2 pounds ground beef, chuck or round (I bought 4 fresh pre-made patties)
6 ounces Cheddar cheese, cut into 4 slices (fresh from the deli)
1/3 cup beer
4 hamburger buns, split & toasted if you'd like

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large skillet until hot. Add onion & cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until softened, about 5 minutes. Increase heat to medium-high; add mushrooms & cook, stirring, until mushrooms have browned & liquid they release has evaporated, 4 to 5 minutes. Season mushroom mixture with salt & pepper to taste & transfer to a bowl; add chiles & olives. Set aside.

If you buy chopped meat, gently shape beef into four 4-inch burgers; season with salt & pepper. Heat remaining tablespoon oil in skillet over high heat until hot. Reduce heat to medium-high, add burgers & cook 3 minutes. Turn burgers & cook 2 minutes. Divide chile mixture onto them & top each with a slice of cheese. Add beer to skillet; cover & steam until cheese has melted, about 2-3 minutes. This will yield a burger with just a tad pink in the middle. If you like yours well done, I would increase the cooking time in the beginning by 2 minutes because you don't want your cheese to turn into a gloppy mess.
Transfer burgers to toasted buns & serve.

My Thoughts:

The topping can be made ahead of time which is awesome! Fresh cheddar is a must. Any beer will do, I used Blue Moon & just drank the rest naturally. These burgers are SO moist. You may also want to put them on a rack for a second before loading them onto your bun so that all the juices don't make your bun soppy. Also, the chiles are not enough to make these too spicy. More thoughts on the printable page.


Anonymous said...

"Just drank the rest naturally"...that's funny. So is it UNnatural to use beer to cook burgers?

I Love a good burger! Thanks for the recipe. Kinda like how white castle steams their burgers right?

Saw your special Thanksgiving intro. Mind if I do a little "feature" for you when I put up my Thanksgiving recipe mister linky? You have the greatest recipes and I love how you write them.

Will you go to homecoming with me? Please CW?

Tina Butler said...

That is one awesome burger, the onions and mushrooms oh my!!! Ok i am going to have to make this my dh would love it minus the onions nad mushrooms for him.

Rebecca said...

That burger looks AMAZING! I love onions like that!

Lump said...

um beer and burgers??! one of the best combos EVER. :) You think I could do this on my George Forman?

Angela said...

Hubby will LOVE this. Two of his favorite things - burgers and beer!

A month ago (jeez! has it been that long since life was normal around here?) I went to the store and was looking for Oktoberfest beer (Sam Adams seasonal favorite) and I was SO sad they were out. It's my new favorite beer (just for fall, of course).

Can't wait to try these!

Erin said...

First of all, I have to say "atta girl" for having a husband that looks for recipes on-line ~ that makes me smile! I can't wait to try this and I read it to my husband and he was salivating! I bet I could convince him to run to the grocery for me now, eh? :)
I am anxiously awaiting the Garlic Breaded Broccoli! YUM!

Erin said...

First of all, I have to say "atta girl" for having a husband that looks for recipes on-line ~ that makes me smile! I can't wait to try this and I read it to my husband and he was salivating! I bet I could convince him to run to the grocery for me now, eh? :)
I am anxiously awaiting the Garlic Breaded Broccoli! YUM!

FROGGITY! said...

mmmmmmmm beer

mmmmmm burgers

good times

Michelle said...

oh, I am so craving meat right now!

Lorie said...

That looks pretty yummy!

Jamey said...

wow what a different way to cook them, I am so looking forward to the Garlic Breaded Broccoli! oh my!

Mo said...

Steph, No metaphor but I guess it could be!

We actually were drinking merlot and beer. HA. I love you how your mind works.

Suzann said...

sounds yummy. going to have to give this a try.

Unknown said...

That's it. I'm going to have to kidnap you and hold you hostage and have you cook a months worth of food and then I'll return you to your husband.

Maria said...

I only do veggie burgers but I am sure most people would enjoy these:)

Mo said...

And I meant to say, I love how your mind works. I am with Ace too. Come cook for me. Please? I have goose. I have music. I have lots of fun waiting for you.

Other comments I should reply to over the last few days:

You are right about nights in. I hope my reminding you of your sister is a good thing. My musical tastes are all over the board aren't they? I love Jack Johnson and have all of his cds. I need to get Jason Mraz and will look into Brandi Carlile's.

If you want I can send you a copy of John Legend's latest.

The Blonde Duck said...

I would have never thought of using beer to make burgers. Cool!

Anonymous said...

Oooohhhhh, that sounds so yummy. Yep, gonna have to print that one out.

Pam said...

My husband loves burgers and beer - this is his kind of recipe. Looking forward to making it for him.

Helen Ruth said...

I need to stop visiting your blog, or I'm going to be backed up on cooking! Those burgers looked yummy, and I just happen to have a case of beer waiting to be cooked! (I use beer for cooking briskets!)

tiarastantrums said...

oh thanks for the reminder that my grill will be covered in snow likely by month's end!!!!!!

Jen said...

Looks like you and tatoominivan mom are now going steady. I thought that I was your number one girl!?! any way...
I have never thought of steaming burger and to top it off in beer. Nice.

Unknown said...

I am so excited to try these! I tried broiling tonight for the first time in my life. You inspired me : ). I think the steaks look nice, but a little black. Is that ok? Gary wanted them very well done. They taste amazing! You are my favorite cook on the planet : ).

Lula! said...

This is my husband's love language...burgers. I will be his hero when I make these.

Seriously, Stephanie...we need your cookbook.

Claremont First Ward said...

Let's just say that I'm salivating.

Carrie said...

Beer + Burger = holy crap delicious

Pardon me while I wipe the drool off my keyboard.


Nazarina A said...

I showed your post to my Sweetie and he said that he was sold! He is going to make it on Saturday when he is home. Your pictures does look tasty with all the onions and cheese, I cannot wait!

Scary Mommy said...

I have never heard of this--- what could be better??? I need to pass this on to my single girlfriends- they could have any man in a heartbeat!!

ROXY said...

These look DELISH!! They look so moist. I can't wait to try these!

sassy stephanie said...

Sounds goooood. I love a so-juicy-it's-dripping-down-to-my-elbows burger. the green chilies over power? Seems like they would add a strong flavor.

Unknown said...

OOF... those look divine! I once was on a quest to find the perfect burger before drastically changing my eating habits. Seeing these is making me want to revert to my old ways! LOL!!

Casey's trio said...

Sounds delish:)

Jessica said...

Looks so yum!! Hungry again!!!

Anonymous said...

So...I read something about pumpkin chocolate cheesecake??
I won't be able to sleep until I get that recipe!!

Life, Love And Lola said...

Oh My! Beer Burgers! I must try this one! And I'll wash it down with a cold beer too.

Zesty Cook said...

This looks AMAZING!! WOW - i am so impressed this is getting bookmarked and stumbled!!

Anonymous said...

My husband LOVES burgers! I'll have to show him this recipe! He'll be pumped!

Wendelyn DeMoss said...

We'll be trying this one! Our grill died this summer so it will be next summer before we replace. Love that I can make good burgers on the stove! My hubby will like the beer!

Jason, as himself said...

Oh my...this sounds amazing.

Swedish Mike said...

Just found this recipe and must say that it looks excellent.

Can't wait to try it myself.

Thanks for the inspiration!

// Mike