Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pumpkin Crisp

I got this recipe over at sweet rebellious Lula & thought it would be perfect for our dessert last Sunday night. Everyone LOVED it & I, who am not the biggest dessert person, have been loving it everyday since for breakfast. I will be making this again & for as many people as I know who dessert, I mean deserve, this! I'm not even a big pecan lover but I would not dream of making this without them.

1 15 oz. can pumpkin
1 cup evaporated milk
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 package butter-recipe yellow cake mix
1 cup chopped pecans
2 sticks butter, melted (I used 1 1/2 just to cut down a bit, hah)

Stir together first 5 ingredients. Pour into a lightly greased 13x9-inch baking dish. Sprinkle cake mix evenly over pumpkin mixture; sprinkle evenly with pecans. Drizzle butter evenly over pecans.

Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Watch after 45 minutes, I had to cover it with foil to keep from browning too much. Remove from oven & let stand 20 minutes before serving. Serve warm or at room temperature with whipped cream. We used fat free & it did not take away.

IF there are leftovers, refrigerate. Put a slice in the microwave for 20 seconds & you’ll think you just made it.


Kelly said...

Oh this looks good, I have been looking for a new pumpkin recipe..
My husband hates pumpkin last year I made pumpkin whoopie pies and those were awesome..
I think he would like this...yummy...
here is a picture of those pies..

tiarastantrums said...

my husband would love this!!!!! - I hate pumpkin anything though - and again, no nuts in my food!

Unknown said...

Are you trying to kill me a guy shouldn't see such goodness first thing in the morning.

Jamey said...

Thank you thank you thank you! I love pumpkin, I love the printable page! I want it for dinner tonight!

Anonymous said...

I gotta try this...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this sounds divine! And so easy too, it is definitely going to be a fall dessert in my house. Now I just have to come up with my pumpkin martini to go with it!

Kristina P. said...

Ummm, I am making that this weekend. I was going to make a Pioneer Woman recipe, but screw the Pioneer Woman.

Lump said...

total yummy goodness!

I can't stand pumpkin pie, but oh how I LOVE everything else with pumpkin - muffins, bread, etc. I'm seriously going to try (I said TRY) and make this. Wish me luck!! :)

The Blonde Duck said...

Ya'll are killing me with all these crisps and cobblers! All I got is low-fat ice cream!

Tabitha Blue said...

I'm loving all the great fall recipes on all the blogs lately! OMG, we are trying so many things... but I just might have to add this one to my list!

Pam said...

I can't wait to make this! I am on such a pumpkin kick right now. It looks so good.

jo@blog-diggidy said...

another recipe that goes on my **doing my best captain kirk voice** must.cook.this.dessert. recipe list!! looks delish!!!! catch ya lata! hugs and prayers..

Laurie said...

This looks truly yummy and I have four pumpkins in my garden just waiting to be cooked! What a great blog. I'll be back often...

Kacey said...

Um, YUM! This sounds fabulous! I'm going to try this for Thanksgiving. I make something similiar but super easy. You take cherry pie filling, pour it in the baking dish, mix yellow cake mix with cinammon and sprinkle it over the cherries. Then you slice a few tabs of butter and lay them on top - bake until it starts to brown. Viola!

You wanted a recipe exchange right? Ha!! My recipe directions aren't as eloquent as yours but Brian thinks I slave over this each time I make it. And I let him think I do. Ha!

scargosun said...

I might make this on Sunday for our family dinner.

Unknown said...

I am not the biggest pumpkin fan either, but, if you love it, well then, I am almost positive I will too : )! I made the Chicken braid last night and everyone was in heaven! I told Gary and Kaishon all about you and your wonderful website and they both want me to cook from it every night! Hope you are having a great day!

Lula! said...

It's fabulous, huh? I mean...I want to eat some. Now. Seriously.

Doggone it, that's it...I'm off to make some. It will be a surprise for the "family" tonight. Or for me. Whichever.

Tam said...

HMMMM sounds so yummy!!!

Jen said...

I saw this recipe too and so want to try it. I can't wait to make stuff with pumpkin and pumpkin pie. Why am I waiting? Oh yeah forgot to buy pumpkin at the store.

Anonymous said...

Sounds yummy. Can't wait to try it!!

FROGGITY! said...


Mmmkay, you topped yourself with this one. I am SO making this (in 10 days... hehe). It shall be my October reward! :) I don't think my family will protest, either.

Veronica said...

That sounds delicious...I'll bet it would be really good with some chocolate chips thrown in there too!

Leslee P said...

sounds super yummy!!!! I must say that I am not a huge pecan person either, but I might definately have to try this!!!

Carrie and Jim said...

Love the decor. (Looks fab) and the receipe looks great too. Perfect for this time of year.

Anonymous said...

I love, love, LOVE pumpkin so much! I'll definitely have to try this! And your decor is soo cute!

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

How can you go wrong with pumpkin and cake mix?


sassy stephanie said...

One of my FAVES. I keep all items in stock. It is so easy to whip up and people always go NUTS over it!

Elizabeth said...

Wow. Look at at all the comments. I guess I'm not the only one who thinks this looks DELISH! I may be trying this this weekend!!

Wine Dine and Teach said...

I hope I am one of those lucky people! This sounds really yummy!

Anonymous said...

My kind of recipe=simple and yummy! Gonna try it this weekend!!

Anonymous said...

YUM! Sounds Delish! Thanks for sharing - I'd forgo the nuts though. :-)

Laila said...

That sounds amazing, I love seasonal desserts! Soon I will be posting about this FANTASTIC fig cake I had in Florence, with a glass of vin santo, I was swooning! MMmmm, dessert, I wish I had a piece right now!

Honey Mommy said...

I totally just printed out that recipe! It looks so good, and I LOVE pumpkin recipes!

Tiffany said...

GIIIIRRLLLLLLLL.. you know how I feel out pumpkin deliciousness... oh my.

I am coming over.

Tina Butler said...

I love pumpking crisp or pumpkin crunch. I make this all the time its so funny how this recipe has so many names. ITs wonderful.

Heather said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. This recipe sounds yummy. I'm not a big nut person, but might be willing to try it for this. The hubbs would love it I'm sure.

FROGGITY! said...


awarded/tagged you! :)

carrhop said...

I love pumpkin baked items and hadn't seen this one before--gonna have to add this one to my l-l-e list!! It's funny, I love pumpknin bread, muffins, lattes, etc./--but not pumpkin pie! Does that make any sense?!?

Glad you liked my vacuum cord 'wisdom'---it's a deep well of experience over here, my friend, a deep well....ha~!


Unknown said...

That looks sooo good. I really need to learn how to cook!

Anonymous said...

A tasty variation is to substitute Spice Cake Mix in place of the Yellow/Butter Mix. Enjoy!

Angela said...

Yum! This looks great. It reminds me of a pumpkin squares recipe (sort of like pumpkin pie squares) that I make for Thanksgiving. Wonderful flavors of the season, and I love any kind of crisp. Will have to try it!

Carrie said...

Aw, shoooot! I told you I was in trouble!!

WheresMyAngels said...

Now that looks yummy!

Baby Favorite said...

Thanks again! Made this last night and it was a big hit! I think I had 3 servings today, LOL. (OINK!)

I might make this to have for Thanksgiving! Beats the heck outta pumpkin pie, IMO.

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