Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Man & My Shoes

Wordful Wednesday. My time to be non-foodie. And perhaps a bit silly.

This is my hubby, the man. During our visit to a horse farm/guest ranch in December.

And these are my shoes. Just some of 'em.

I don't tell ya'll enough how wonderful he is but I am truly a lucky girl. If I didn't have him as my own I would wish this kind of man on any wonderful woman in the world. He's a compassionate, loyal, intelligent, sweet, generous & God-loving man. Yes, he drives me crazy he can't find the peanut butter in the pantry unless it's right in front of him, but it's one of his only faults.

The icing on the cake? He's totally a metrosexual & buys me my shoes. I'm not talking about him just reaching in his wallet. No, he shops for my shoes & surprises me. Good thing because I'd be wearing flip flops all the time since I'm not a shopper. Those shoes to the right, they're, uh, indoor shoes, ahem. Haven't worn those yet................oh honey...................

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


  1. Good business. Finally the first to comment. I have a friend just like that. Of course his wife is nothing like you. She never cooks, complains and then takes them back for new one that cost more.

  2. You ARE so like me! I think I have about 20 pair of black shoes. Don't have any "indoor" ones though!

  3. our hubbys are similar...mine is metro too...loves his clothes, but loves to buy me sheos and clothes too! i love it!

    u have totally fab the fuzzy ones, as my girls call them!

  4. I love this!! I love a woman who knows how to love, without losing her identity! I love that about you! I'm thinking you should rock those shoes on the right "soon." ;)

  5. You know how they say that a peep into someone's shoes is like looking in their lingerie drawer? Case in point, Stephanie, case in point. Just kidding. I love that your hubby buys you shoes that you enjoy ANd that he is just a great guy! Next week I'll post earlier JUST for you! :) 8 your time?

  6. Love the shoes and love that hubby buys them for you. I see black is a prominent color in your collection. The indoor shoes? Well I completely understand. I have a pair that I refuse to retire and I posted them on Sunday.

  7. that is so awesome. what a great guy. I love all those shoes.

  8. You've got to be kidding me?! I can't believe your husband buys shoes for you. I will be showing my husband this post as soon as he gets home from work today! You lucky girl you!

  9. that is extremely sweet!! and what great taste! :)

  10. LOVE metrosexual hubbies!! Seriously - an one who LOOKS and buys you shoes?! Okay, I thought I was doing good since mine loves and pics out candles. :-) LOL.

    Thanks for stopping by! And I'm really going to have to try out ALL your recipes....great...

  11. What a yummy blog you have here! Thanks for visiting mine.
    Your hubby sounds wonderful! I often wish my husband had a brother I could set my friends up with. lol!

  12. That's so cool! I have a great husband, but he would rather lose a limb than have to go shopping!
    Love all the shoes!:)

  13. i like the ones on the left!!! "indoor shoes", that cracks me up!!

  14. Love the shoes and love even more that your honey buys them for you. Just for that reason you need to be rockin' those "indoor shoes!" Ha! Ha! Too cute!

  15. NAH my Husband would never buy me shoes....note even... AHEM.. those indoor shoes! HOPE you have LOTS of fun in those INDOOR SHOES!

  16. He buys you shoes????? LUCKEEEEEEE!

    Those are some awesome shoes too! People keep saying everything is the new black, but I prefer black to stay black :).

    Happy WW!

  17. I LOVE your shoes : ). Super cute and HOT : ). I have some indoor shoes too. I have to buy my own shoes though. I am sure Gary would get me some if he wasn't working all the flipping time : ). And, if he knew what size I was. You and your pretty black shoes ROCK!

  18. Wow--what a great husband! He seems perfect! And he can pick out shoes?! WONDERFUL!

  19. That is my favorite pair...I so love that your hubby buys you shoes. That is SO AWESOME!! ;)

  20. Haha! So flirtatious the two of you. That is awesome!

    Did you change your URL because I'm not getting updates when you post. I'll have to look into that.

    I'm going to try to bake those lemony cookies below which you should be so proud of me for!

    One question, when you say one lemon zested, does that mean I add the zest only or the lemon? Also, how do you zest a lemon? I know, I'm ridiculous. This is why I don't cook.

  21. Ha ha!!! That's great that he buys you shoes!!! Love the "indoor" ones.

  22. What a lovely family you have. And a great hubby to actually buy you the shoes. My husband would come home with flip flops! :)

  23. What a great husband. My husband is amazing and I feel lucky too but he never buys me shoes. You lucky girl.

  24. That is hilarious! I love that he buys you shoes!!! And he has good taste to boot! (LOL "to boot" LOL!!! I know... dorky!)

    Oh, you asked me what Hubby said to Bug the other night when he asked the question... well, he said, "Bug, yes, but we don't need to talk about that." Well, apparently that wasn't satisfactory for Bug because he chased the Hubs around the house screaming "Penis! Penis!" at the top of his lungs!!! It was hysterical!!!

  25. oh I am so with you on that (reee: not finding the pb in the pantry)! My husband stands in the middle of the room and puts his had out and waits for me to run and grab the item and put it in his hand? Is this a disease of just purely a male trait cuz my son is the same way but not my daughter

  26. Glad you got a good hubby! Sounds like a great guy! And what fun shoes!! You can never have too many!

  27. So sweet. I love it when people celebrate their man.

  28. How cute!

    Oh, wanted to let cha know I'm making those lemon ricotta's tomorrow for a women's group! Excited! Thx for the idea!

  29. Our husbands sound quite alike minus the metro part. My hubby is so a farm boy. He has cute clothes but only by chance. I think they'd get along nicely.

    And I adore bathtime. Thanks so much for stopping by. Now if my husband ever takes pictures of me in the tub, they will NOT make my blog. :) Stop by again, you seem like such a sweetie pie!

  30. I love, love my hubs too! We are two very lucky girls.

  31. LOL!!! I totally thought they were THAT kind of shoes when I say them, hahahahaha!!!
    That hubby of yours, he has pretty good taste.

  32. Thanks so much for the comments and participating in my giveaway. I'm happy to discover your blog also!

  33. Oooo, could he teach my husband to buy my shoes? I hate shopping. I would love to have a personal shopper like you do!

    Love your blog, but next time I am coming by when I don't have the almost bedtime munchies. Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  34. for some reason im not craving a nice cold ice tea :) Great blog


  35. Aww. That's love right there. Buying shoes.

  36. OH mama! Those shoes are awesome!
    Thanks for the giggles about the "indoor" pair :)

  37. Okay's what I'm thinkin'. You have yourself your own Edward...only hot! So glad you have someone great to love! Great post! He is lucky to have you too!

  38. Wow, you are one lucky lady. My husband will buy me clothes and does a really good job with that, but never shoes. Maybe he could give my husband some pointers!

  39. Lucky girl! My husband used to buy me purses every time he went on a bus trip. Too bad he doesn't travel anymore....hahahahaha!

  40. Gotta love a man who can buy a pretty pair of shoes!

  41. My hubby likes to go shopping too and I hate it. Last time we went he was trying to buy me PJ's and I was oblivious. oops!

  42. HE shops for YOUR shoes?


    You totally married Edward!

  43. Ha! Ha! Those are great shoes, and that's coming from someone who is the queen of shoes. I hear ya about the flip flops though.

  44. Definitely a great guy!! I don't think many women can say their husbands buy them shoes..laughing at the furry ones. All I can picture is a black boa to go with!!!

  45. he shops? for your shoes? wow. oh and the indoor shoes? bahhhhhaaaahahahahaha--totally lol!

  46. So now, after my more emotional post, a lighthearted comment!

    You are truly blessed, girlfriend! A wonderful husband who understands your love for great shoes! (And I love the cute "indoor" pair - I was just thinking wow, how fancy! then I saw your note about them. Too funny!)


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