Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Boy & His Auntie - Wordful Wednesday

Off to the beach, for a day full of fun but we took it to the park, cuz it was all wind & no sun.

That's alright, I didn't MIND,

because my Aunt Lauren brought me

Isn't she kind ?!?!

We played with our food,

to last through the year (see you at the holidays)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i LOVE YOU Auntie Lauren, the way you

and MY

I think I'll keep her for a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was an awesome day, when all's

said & done.

Even Batman & Joker.....


  1. Oh, I am SO excited to be the first comment! WHEE! I just happened to be catching up on reader. So I will hope I am first, anyway!

    Love the poem. Too cute!! Glad you are feeling cheerful again!!

  2. Aren't you gettin' all fancy with the pictures!!

  3. I love this post. Aunties are the best!

  4. Pictures AND rhyming? You are such the over achiever and I love it! This is such a great post!

  5. Awwww...did your sister come visit? I love the picture of the Batman Legos. My son has about 10,000 star wars legos. He's 5 & his world revolves around star wars. Glad you had a fun day!!

  6. Awwww...did your sister come visit? I love the picture of the Batman Legos. My son has about 10,000 star wars legos. He's 5 & his world revolves around star wars. Glad you had a fun day!!

  7. What a cute post! He looked very happy with his grape kisses...so cute!
    -Sandy Toes

  8. Great pictures! I love the words on the pics! Looks like you ALL had fun!

  9. Thanks for your visit...

    What special memories those photos tell...

  10. Cute photos!! He looks so happy. I love the grape kisses.

  11. those little tomatos look great! I like that idea and will remember that one!

  12. AWWWWW.... so cute! My boy and my sister love each other to death.. anuties rock.

  13. Well, look at you with all these comments and it isn't even Wednesday yet. And no Mr. Linky yet.

    Wow. You are GOOD! lol

  14. so much fun!!!
    I tried your baked cresant chicken - used the cream of chx instead of mayo - (no almonds - I hate nuts in my food) OH MY STARS!!!! DELICIOUS!!!!!
    Every recipe I try from you is so yummy!!

  15. OH..Looks like y'all had such a good time!
    Thanks for sharing the bloggy love today on my big SITS day!

  16. Great pictures and poem! A really sweet post.

  17. I work very hard to be the FAVORITE aunt...I think I better start playing with food too!!

    Great pics, FUN post!!

  18. Cool stuff. Looked like lots of fun.

  19. Awe, how sweet. You can just see the love in your little boys eyes!

  20. What a neat format! I love this a lot.

    We do grape kisses too!

  21. I always love your Wed. posts! So fun!!

  22. I love this post! Your wordfuls are great!

  23. Adorable photos!

    I've never heard of grape kisses, but they look like fun!

  24. Oh my gosh... a little POEM? You are so dang cute.

    My little boy is pretty much against kisses and hugs at times...but grape kisses? He could SO go for that!

  25. Way cute pics! Aunts are the best:)

  26. you have been tagged!!

  27. What a super cool day! You have a very cool aunt there.

    I love the uniqueness and fun of this post.

  28. These are just ADORABLE! What a beautiful relatonship you have :)

  29. Such a fun post, Stephanie. Way cute.

    Dress him as Edward for Halloween. Just sayin'. HA!

  30. What a cute story... sounds like you're a great Auntie-- he's a lucky boy!!

  31. Nice photo story! Boys seem like fun..I don't have any so I always enjoy the stories that talk about the wonders of little men.

  32. You can tell he loved every minute of it. What fun! Great post.

  33. What a fun post Stephanie! I love it, looks like a fab day!

  34. What a neat post! Loved the Batman & Joker legos, my guys are loving these right now!

  35. What a great day!! Looks like everyone had lots of fun!

  36. Awww, how cute. What a great Auntie!

  37. Looks like so much fun! I love kid days!

    Thanks for stopping by Five Flower Mom!

  38. What a fun day! Had to laugh at your comments and Angies about Mr. Linky. I read early and had planned to post Richard Gere alias Mr. Linky as a way to kidnap him to my site. By the time I got to work mr. Linky was up and going so not as funny...knew you would crack up!

  39. too cute. what program do you use to add the fun text on the photos??

    also the stuffed tomatoes look yummy. i LOVE egg salad, but i think chicken salad sounds like a good call.

    thanks for visiting me today!
    deb/dirty socks and pizza

  40. Looks like fun! I am a little jealous of your Lego Batman toy! We have been looking for it!

  41. This is so sweet! I am a proud Auntie too. Isn't it the best? Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you visit again soon. I'll be back!
    :) Robin
    cinnamon & honey

  42. So cute!

    Sorry it took me so long to stop by, I wrenched my back today and have been on the couch all day long!

  43. Cute photos! No, I've never had a lobster roll. Gotta have it real - the lobster and some melted butter - yum!! Thanks for coming by my blog.


  44. Fantastic post! I totally want an Aunt Lauren now!

  45. I love your creativity with this post! Your boy is so lucky to spend his day soaking up all the lovin from his mommy and auntie!

  46. hey girl! thanks for stopping by :) i love the pic with the grape kisses and the goggles. haha looks like fun.

  47. Aww, how fun!

    My son would love a Lego Batman and Joker, I didn't even know they existed!

  48. What a fun story! Looks like a great day for park play!
    Thanks for dropping by.

  49. very very cute says Auntie Lauren. Can't wait to try kiwi kisses next time with that cutie pie I call my nephew!


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