Friday, September 19, 2008

This Little Piggy Went to the Market........

I'm a bit disappointed in myself for writing a very long emotional post late last night, telling myself I would not delete it this morning, only to come back & censor myself by shortening it quite a bit, leaving it up for an hour, only to come back again & deleting the entire thing. Maybe I just wasn't ready for it..........another time.
So, for something upbeat instead...................
I wanted to share some pics of a restaurant/market we went to last weekend for an early lunch with my parents. This place is to me what 5th Avenue or Gucci or a cute boutique is to many of you. This is where I like to spend my money. Forget the shoes & handbags, give me some beautifully colored pasta & wine in crates!!!!!! Click pic to enlarge.
Beautiful, packaged gourmet goods. Love it!!! I wish this place was my kitchen, especially the top left pic. My Dad is as happy in this kind of environment as I am, middle right. I was a good girl & came out with just a bottle of Pinot Grigio & pasta, bottom right. Talk about opening a bottle of woop woop on someone. Hah. It was very good!!!!!! I've yet to try the pasta though.

Alrighty, I leave you now with wonderful weekend wishes. I have a party to go prep for.


  1. That place looks awesome!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I've edited my posts after having them "out there" for a bit, too. Like yesterdays. I wish I could have read yours though.

  3. I have a birthday party this weekend too. I'm throwing Sophie's party and I cant believe I'm actually doing it because I am way over booked this week. WAY OVER BOOKED!! I have my talk to write, the silent auction tonight and now a birthday party to put on tomorrow morning! What was I thinking? I'm sure you're more prepared than I am so I'm sure your party will go smoothly and be fabulous. Keep your fingers crossed for me, I'm no where near as prepared as you. : )

  4. Right there with you. My money all gets sucked into places like that and Williams Sonoma.

  5. BEN how fun how fun!!!!

    OK so you got me wondering about that first part???? deleting...and all....OK well HAVE fun with the party stuff and whatever it all was will be OK ....

    take care and PARTY ON

  6. What a fun store! Have fun at your party this weekend!

  7. Oh, how wonderfully FABULOUS! That is absolutely my kind of store. I can feel my credit cards shudder with fear when I walk through the door of a place like that.

  8. Been awhile since I seen a market like that. Reminds me of back home. I'll never see anything like that here in Vegas. You get everything there.

  9. I love markets like that - I am definitely not a designer clothes store person! I know what you mean about deleting posts, I deleted one the other day and in retrospect I wish I had never posted it because it upset someone and I would never do that intentionally, even though that person had already upset me.

    Talk to us when you are ready!

  10. Love the photo collage! Have a great weekend.

  11. I can totally see you browsing and gawking through this store!!! I am sorry you were not happy with your post, I too have thought that some of mine were a bit heady or serious. But, some days I just need to post them and I have given myself permission to do it. One thing I have noticed about this blog community, at least those I have read...these women and a few men that I have read are kind and thoughtful people who totally understand the outthere blog that just is screaming to be written occasionally. Soooo, blog away and have a few glasses of wine while you do it!!!! Happy weekend!

  12. This place does look cool! Really cool. Either tonight or tomorrow night I am going to make a whole meal of recipees from you page. I am so excited. I think I am going to let Kaishon and Gary each pick one thing they want! YAY~! Thanks for being an inspiration!

  13. You have to come visit Sarasota, me and LLL. WE have a really cool place like this w/in walking distance of my house!Morton's Market! I used to go there all the time but since the work sit changed- I haven't gotten there as much.
    The Publix @ Lakewood Ranch is pretty awesome though!

  14. Love those kind of stores. I could get lost in them forever.

  15. indeed right...this is a very nice place

  16. What great pictures!! I love how you put them all together, I'm soooo no good at editing.

    I missed your last post, when I was away in NY, but sometimes we just get that way, I probably would have deleted mine too!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  17. Have a great weekend! I hope you're feeling better!

  18. Hope your weekend improved and that the party went well. I'm worried about the first part of your post so I'm sending you a huge hug!

    Love the food and wine shop though. I love places like that too, and I will give up new clothes/shoes/etc for food, kitchen items and wine myself!

  19. I'm with you and the personal/emotional posts. I'm not there either. The market looks like a good place to unwind; los of fun goodies. However, I do like me a good show store too. :)

  20. Looks like a trouble spot for me! Fun fun fun!

  21. Oooh I SO did this too with my "Honesty" post. But you know, in the end, I just had to put it out there and be done with it. You know? It was actually really liberating. But you only know what is right for you my dear.

    I hope you had a FAB party! I'm sure you did and I can't wait to see/hear all about it!

  22. A woman after my own heart! I totally love food stores like this too...Did you say what store this was?


Something delicious to say?