Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Looking Back to 3, Looking Ahead to Twilight

Tristan turns 5 this weekend so we're having a party at the house. I've been relatively cool about the whole thing & have kept my entertaining obsessiveness in check. It reminded me of the time he turned 3 & I, well, didn't keep it in check. I decided to make his invites from scratch. It surprised me even because that just wasn't what I normally do. But something bit me & I spent hours upon hours making these over the course of 2 weeks. 

I was especially proud of the little handkerchief I made & weaved through holes for the back of the invite. I really don't know where I pulled that idea out of. I don't spend a lot of time doing this kind of thing, so that's why I am proud of these & wanted to share.

It was a Woody & Buzz party. We rented a miniature horse who acted as Bullseye. Tristan was on him for 30 seconds & was done! I took it easy last year & had his 4th party at an indoor playground. I think I was still recuperating!

On an entirely different subject, I was playing around today & did this. I know, I know. Just being silly. Sorry hubby, I don't REALLY love Edward. I love Edward & Bella together!!!! And I have to get all this out at once so I can get back to my food stuff tomorrow, ya know?!?! Anyhoo, you can do a billboard like this here.

Brought to you by Angie & Wordful Wednesdays from:


  1. LOL LOL I love your little fantasy world over Twilight!!!! OK I so love it! I was once there and it is so addicting that I felt like I needed rehab after the last book because MY SOUL was aching for MORE MORE MORE EDWARD and OK BELLA....I have to honeslty say though that MY FAV is the First Book....Twilight and that first lusting love!!!!!

    OOO I love that you spent all that time making those invites for his third b-day...LOL YOU SO GET THE MOM of the year AWARD for that! I do not have the patience for that!
    Happy WEDNESDAY!

  2. CUTE Birthday party!!

    i am a major party planner. love it, all of it.

    my daughter turned 13 last month and we went a little nuts..really, we did, just check my archives...

    so i can seriously relate!

    awesome job!

  3. whoa! we were commenting on each other's blogs AT THE SAME TIME!


  4. Oh, I am so like you on the party business!! I outdo myself - too much! So in 2008 the new motto was NO PARTIES!! Just family only! I know - mean momma!

    Love the Twilight - you look like Sophia Bush

  5. Oh, I am so like you on the party business!! I outdo myself - too much! So in 2008 the new motto was NO PARTIES!! Just family only! I know - mean momma!

    Love the Twilight - you look like Sophia Bush

  6. See. The way you go above and beyond is the reason I want to come and eat at your table. And attend your sons parties. THe invitations for the Buzz Lightyear party are so cute.

  7. Your party throwing skills are quite impressive! I have to buy my invites...not that creative:)
    Love your Twilight billboard. I'm reading the last book now....Sigh.

  8. That was one awesome looking party. Good for you.
    And oh yes, I can't wait for the movie too.

  9. Oh, so cute--you know how much I love TOY STORY!!!

  10. Those invites are so CUTE! I know it was a lot of hard work but they turned out awesome.

  11. These invites are adorable! You out did yourself for sure! Can't wait to see all of the party pics! Martha Stewart has a foodie blogger on today - it SO SHOULD be YOU!

    Have a FAB day!

  12. Cute party. I love the pic with y'all in the cowboy hats... So come on now, where are the menus and recipes for the food you served at the party?!?!??!?

  13. what a good mom you are! the 3rd birthday looked awesome...a mini pony, huh? that's awesome. i would have LOVED that as a kid! :)

  14. Oh Birthdays! We are having a bash this weekend for BOTH of my boys! Good luck with all the kiddos. Your invites look fun!

  15. Wow, now that is one heck of a party! My kids just love Toy Story.

  16. Not only do you make gorgeous food, you do all the little extras to. I need to be at one of your parties!

  17. I love the billboard! It looks so cute!

    So you're not a Bella/ Jacob fan, huh?

  18. My son would love a Buzz and Woody birthday. What a great theme and cute invitation!

  19. Over from WW. Adorable invites and the party looked fantastic!

  20. Thanks for stopping by. LOVE the invites you made! Don't they take FOREVER?? I made El's one and two year invites. This year I don't think I even mailed any out. It's fun, but a lot of work! Good job! And the

  21. Well the invites were worth your time because they were super cute!

    And the billboard...sigh...not you too!?!

  22. That looks like it will be one of the best parties ever!

  23. i love the woody and buzz stuff! so cute. ur little cowboy is just precious!

  24. You are so freakin' talented. I love the invite, what a cute idea. Happy Birthday Tristan.

  25. I love those photo cakes. Sounds like a fun birthday party! I want to be young again. It would seem a little odd having a pony at my party. Don't you think?

  26. I love the cowboy Toy Story pics - they are adorable. What a great mom!

  27. You did the cutest little party ever! My boys would have went nuts for that party. Great post!

  28. You are CRACKING me up! Loving the billboard...

    ...loving the party stuff, too. You have to do a big ol' post about it after this weekend.

  29. Great job on the invite and the billboard, great! Loved Twilight! Guess you can't wait for the movie I know I am looking forward to it.

  30. LOVE the invites! I am sooo impressed (having just made the invites for my son's first birthday and been very disappointed).

  31. One of my friends just finished book 3. She went to work looking quite exhausted. She had read until 2am. You see, her family will not let her read during the evening..she said she has to act like she is going to bed and wait until all are asleep then get back up and read! Now that is twilight dedication. I think I will wait until Nov. then read the books again before the movie comes out!

  32. Wow! I want to be on that billboard too!

    I may have to "reuse" your invitation for my little boy's birthday next year. He absolutely LOVES Toy Story.

    Hey Howdy Hey!

  33. What a great Birthday! I miss having Birthday parties for my little ones, they're all big now so that titual is all over and gone but it was fun while it lasted. You're little cowboy is a total cutie-pie!!!
    Thanks for stopping by and giving me some good 'ol bloggie love!


  34. I am also counting down the days for the twilight movie. I absolutley loved the books. I told my hubby that he has to take me to the movie for my b-day.

  35. That's pretty cool decorating there.

  36. Damn've gotten popular..supa.

    Just finished No. 2 by flashlight. No. 3 starts tonight!

  37. We love the Toy Story movies around here! They are just great, classic kid movies. I wish all the Toy Story character items were still available, because kids love it. Carson asked for the Buzz Lightyear utility belt a couple of years in a row for Christmas, and he decided Santa didn't exist because he didn't get it. But I couldn't find it anywhere!!

    Anyway, your party looks like it was precious and a lot of fun. And what a cutie-pie cowboy you have! I hope his fifth birthday is great! And easy on you!

  38. Those invitations are so adorable! I do the same thing as you. Sometimes I go on these creativity binges, and then months (or years) later I look back and am amazed : ) and I always wonder if I can muster up the enthusiasm to do it again. I usually can't.


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