Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wordful Wednesdays

Angie at 7 Clown Circus just launched Wordful Wednesdays. This is my first time participating in something like this. I thought it would be a good idea because while my shtick is mostly recipes I often find myself putting off things I want to document, especially about my bigger love than cooking - family. I had already posted my recipe below for Calzones & I'm sorry to double up on you today but I don't want to miss Angie's 1st day. Check her out & participate if you would like.

On this 2nd pic I wrote his name 1st so he would have a guideline:

Tristan is 4yo & in pre-k, getting ready for kindergarten next year. We recently started practicing his writing for 15 minutes each night. I always LOVED school & writing when I was younger & I'm just super excited to get to sit down & spend this kind of time with him. I often picture the future as he is sitting at the kitchen table asking me questions re: his homework while I get dinner on the table.

On his 2nd day he says to me, "Mommy, let's circle my best part, because I didn't do so well over there." Do you remember when you used to use these sheets? They bring back sweet memories.


  1. When my sister was in college years ago to become a teacher, she failed a class because they said her writing was "messy" and made her purchase this type of paper and practice all over again!

  2. I feel super blessed that you played along, especially for the first time. OK, Tristan writes his name remarkably well. He does better than my daughter who is going into 1st grade. I have a sinking suspicion she might flunk writing. j/k. But seriously, his writing is beautiful

  3. Geez. For a four year old his writing is FANTASTIC. I think his handwriting is neater than mine already!

  4. He is doing great! Thank you for your comment on my blog. Yes, one of my friends lost her 100-day-old son. Of course this would be nearly unbearable for anyone, but after all her friends watched her struggle with infertility and knew what she had gone through to get pregnant, it was even more heartbreaking. My friend showed so much strength, though. Her baby was born with complications while they were vacationing in Florida, and he spent the majority of his life in a hospital there. Kelly made such an impression on people at the hospital that several doctors and nurses flew to Kentucky to attend the baby's funeral. Kelly was always really open about her struggles with grief, but her story was also a testament of faith. And now her suffering has turned to joy. She is mother to an adopted son who is the light of her life, and she hopes to adopt another baby soon.

  5. So cute! He's doing great! I have the same lined paper for my son, we try to do writing every night too!

  6. adorable - and I think he did great all the way on each and every letter!!!!

  7. So cute! He's doing great! And yes, I definitely remember that paper. And the extra-big pencils they would give us to use with the paper, LOL! I was doing great until they made us begin cursive. To this day, my handwriting is awful.

  8. Wow, that is a great job! He'll be a pro by kindergarten.

  9. He has brilliant penmanship! This means he'll go far in life, I'm certain.

  10. That is so sweet! I'm so glad you're that kind of mom. He'll remember you doing that with him, I promise!
    And then one day he'll do that with his own kids. Nicely done!

  11. LOVE this post about your little is so very sweet!

  12. So cute...Tristan did a great job writing his name, and is such a little cutie!

  13. Tristan did a great job for pre-K! Wow!

    Thanks for visiting my site. Now that I have found yours I may have to come back often as I am a big food lover too!!!

  14. What a good job! Much neater than my 2nd grader! She has her daddy's handwriting. He always tells her "don't are growing up in the computer age."

  15. Glad someone has good memories of handwriting. It took me a while to get it down or at least to care about it. I guess when the ruler starts hitting your knuckles, you learn to write like no one business. I don't know too many people that have better handwriting than me. Thanks to school supplies like a ruler. Good memories.

  16. Wow that is some great writing. We too have been practicing writing over here, only your son's name is longer. I am excited about reading your blog, and the reciepe's look yummy. And yes those sheets do bring back memories!!!

  17. This is too cute... and might I say, his "r"s look fabulous!!

  18. SO cute and I am super impressed! My 4 year old cannot write his name to save his life. Myabe I should work on it:) Great Wordful Wednesday!

  19. He's doing so great!! Love this!

    Sending a little bloggy love award you way--check it out

  20. My Diego is the same age. Such a fun time.

  21. Yep, I agree with Angie. He is writing REALLY well for his age. REALLY WELL!!! I love that you played along.

  22. Ahh, what a cutie. They say the best things. He wrote very well. I have 2nd graders who can't write like that.

  23. This is so cute. I have a something just like this from my boy, I framed it and its up in his room.

    Its 4 years old, but it makes me happy every time I see it.

  24. Impressive work for a 4 year old! Thanks for bring back some memories of those sheets and 40 years ago when I was in Kindergarten, the gold star!


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