Friday, August 22, 2008

Soggy Biscuits

Yep, that's what I feel like. Biscuits in gravy - good. Biscuits drenched in gravy for 3 days - no good. Been raining for 24 hours straight!!! No power last night for a bit so I couldn't cook or watch a chick flick. But I'm not complaining because we're only getting the rain, nothing's damaged so I'm thankful.

Here are a few pics I found that I just love:

This is Tristan & his girlfriend Emily. They had been going to the same daycare/school since they were crawling, up until this year. She is such a sweet, beautiful girl. We live close so I know we'll be getting together throughout the years until they marry. Hah..

I also decided to compile a list, to the right here below My Morsels, which shows the dishes I would like to make. I have a box full of them at home but the ones listed here are mostly the ones I find through blogs as well as online sources. Up until now I had been bookmarking them and/or copying & pasting them into a word document, & also marking from whose blog I got it from to give credit once I made it. But my list of favorites at work was getting too long & is not accessible from home.

And finally, I received some blog love I wanted to share. This was very appreciated & came from Bobbi at Rightmyers's
. Thank you Bobbi. Go visit her, she has some mighty fine recipes to share.

I'll pass this on soon.
Until then, have a great weekend! Stay safe & dry!


  1. HI....we are soggy here...big time and it is Cramping my way COOL MOMMY STYLE...LOL Heres to hoping you are drying out now while we have lots of rain.

  2. Thankfully it has stopped raining, but of course now the heat is back. Yuck. Hope you have a great weekend!!

  3. Send that rain my way, girl! Seriously!

    Tristan and Emily are too cute!

    You have a great weekend too - and stay dry!

  4. Ladies' man!

    We are soggy too! My acre pond overflowed yesterday making my property look like river rapids!

  5. I thought about you this morning when I saw the news and the streets flooded - and apparently people have seen aligators in the streets, which is horrifying! Stay indoors please and put your martini shaker to use!

  6. Wow rain for 24 hours? I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Especially with no power. We all forget all of the conveniences we have every day! Your little guy is so cute with his little "girl" friend. My son tells me everyday of the girls that love him. It's so much fun! Hope the weather gets better soon!

  7. Fun music on your site today!

    I love the bloggy love award. Too sweet! Congrats.

    That's so adorable your son has a girlfriend. Those pictures are way too cute!!

  8. It has been raining here all day and is supposed to be raining for the next couple of days. I couldn't help but think of your description: biscuits and gravy. Think it is perfect and inspiring!

  9. Congrats on the awards. Last week it rained all week here. I'm sick of it already!


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