Monday, August 25, 2008

The 5 Ingredients You Meet In Heaven

Bacon. Egg. Cheese. Bagel. Butter.

Breakfast Sunday morning. One of my favorite sandwiches of all time.

This was a trimmed down version as it was a mini whole wheat bagel with turkey bacon!!!!

Update: This was supposed to post yesterday while I spent the day at the Nickelodeon Hotel but there were was an error. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I will be back later with a recipe for a delicious calzone I made over the weekend so we can get back to our regularly scheduled recipes!


  1. I made something similar last week. Biscuits, egg, cheese, turkey. My kids thought it was the best Evah!

  2. Ok so sorry, I missed a few things over here. That breakfast sandwich looks so amazing, it maybe b/c I am very hungry and I just love breakfast foods.

  3. Oh Lordy. I am coming to your house on Sunday mornings. I love Fried Eggs Over Easy. And butter and cheese, that just goes without saying.

  4. OOO yeah......I love over easy eggs and YUMMM on a bagel!!!!

  5. Thanks a lot! I'm STARVING now!! Ok, seriously- this looks so good. I definitely have to try it soon!

  6. Last night Bravo showed the movie "Serendipity." Somehow I had never heard of it before you mentioned it on your blog. But the kids were in bed, my husband was working late, and I had a mountain of laundry to fold. So I watched it and loved it! I loved all the close calls they had before finally meeting up. So romantic! Anyway, I couldn't wait to tell you that I saw it and probably would not have noticed it in the listings if you hadn't blogged about it. Sounds like serendipity to me!

  7. I agree - that is a piece of heaven!

  8. I'm always torn between biscuits or bagel- how the heck are you supposed to choose?

  9. I love breakfast! Any time of day! Yum!

    Life on the tail,
    How about half biscuit half bagel??

  10. looks good, great minds think alike, huh? :)

  11. Love the title to your post. That looks so yum! I need a quick supper since we have Open House at school. Wonder how the boys would feel about this?

  12. OhMyGod, that looks SOOOOOOOOOOO good. It would sort of defeat the purpose of my long Saturday Morning run though, huh?

  13. I order something like this every time I go to my favorite diner. Yum!

  14. If these are the five ingredients you meet in Heaven, does that mean that there is no cholestoral, calories or weight gain? If so, I am there!

  15. It's official. I just drooled on my keyboard....

  16. That looks delicious! I just drooled on my keyboard TOO. hehe

  17. How the heck doyou stay so skinny!?!

  18. I want to come eat with you!

  19. I'm right there with you, this breakfast sandwich is pure heaven!

  20. Oh wow, that looks so good! How funny we were both eating bacon and bagels this weekend! I'll look for that brand of bagels at my supermarket, if they're recommended by a New Yorker, they must be good! Oh, and I won't forget the lox, yum!

  21. That looks so delicious!

    I have read the book The Five People You Meet in Heaven and loved it. I just picked up The Shack and I see you are reading that also.


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